I enjoy mysteries, so I was curious to see how Mary Higgins Clark crafts her stories. This book was good to begin reading if I had trouble sleeping...because it quickly put me to sleep. That's the only strength I could find about this book. I considered not finishing it, but I know that I should complete every book for which I write a report.
If it were half as long, it might have been better. It seemed like it dragged on forever. Maybe Clark is running out of interesting plot lines and complex characters. Or maybe I just picked the wrong Clark book to read. It was confusing to read because of the omniscient point of view - the reader bounced from one character's thoughts to another's too often. At times it was difficult to keep the characters straight. In addition to that, there was a cheesy love story intertwined. Bleh.
Yes, I know this review was brutal. Maybe I'll eventually try another one of her books with an open mind.
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